    GamingRoguelikeTape to Tape, a unique Roguelite Hockey game, is satisfying fans in...

    Tape to Tape, a unique Roguelite Hockey game, is satisfying fans in Early Access

    Last Updated on May 8, 2023 by “Talha Saqib”

    If you are craving a unique roguelite game, we might have one for you. Tape to Tape is a new indie game that is currently in its Early Access but still has a ton of content to satisfy players. Developed by Excellent Rectangle and supported by a successful Kickstart campaign, the hockey-roguelite is now available on Steam with “Very Positive” reviews – although the total number of reviews is 647 at the moment of writing.

    One of the most interesting things about the game is its 2D mixed with the 3D art style. When I saw the game first, I instantly noticed that something was different, and upon close inspection, I realized that the sprites are all 2D but the arena itself, where the players maneuver the team is 3D. 

    Another thing that sets Tape to Tape apart is its combination of genres. It’s Roguelite and Sports, a combo we don’t see very often. The developers have taken great inspiration from games like NHL and Hades. Just like Hades, the game features randomly generated levels that make every run of the player different than the previous ones.

    Moreover, there is a mysterious character named The Blademaster, that enables the player to upgrade the stats of their team permanently. 

    Essentially, Tape to Tape is focused on Hockey. The player is given the worst team in the league at the start of the game. The goal is to defeat all the other teams in the game that are spread over different islands.

    One after another, the player faces a stronger team and unlocks new perks and characters along the way. Upon defeat, we have to start again with the very first island but our newly unlocked abilities and teammates are now with us to better support us. As mentioned above, the path to the final team on a single island is unique every time.

    Furthermore, players can also choose which path to take while on the island and this choice can make a big difference in their journey. Perhaps they face a very easy team and get near to the final hockey match or perhaps they end up playing against a tough team increasing the risk of loss but with good rewards at the stake. 

    However, the game is not perfect and some players are complaining that it lacks basic features that hockey games should have. Since we haven’t played it, we cannot further comment on that.

    All in all, the game looks fun and stylish. If you are currently playing Tape to Tape, don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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    Talha Saqib
    Talha Saqib
    Talha is founder of Retrology and has been actively following the gaming and media industry for the past 6 years. He is a full-time software engineer. His day-to-day tasks include writing, editing, strategizing content, managing his team, and handling the complete back-end. Talha has been playing video games and writing gaming guides for years. He is currently playing Bloodborne and Resident Evil Revelations.
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