    NewsSaul talks about Walter White in Better Call Saul's latest episode

    Saul talks about Walter White in Better Call Saul’s latest episode

    Last Updated on May 18, 2024 by “Talha Saqib”

    In the latest episode of Better Call Saul, Gene Takavic (originally known as Jimmy McGill) mentioned Walter White. He addresses his rise to riches from a teacher to have a lot of cash. Is it a reference to his return or just a way for Gene to show that he still wants to go back to his roots?

    In episode 10 of Season 6, we see a scene where Gene explains to Jeff that he knows why Jeff hasn’t blackmailed or ratted on him: Jeff wants to be a part of “the game,” i.e. the criminal lifestyle. Gene gives Jeff the chance to play the game for real, and Jeff gladly accepts. Jeff confronts Gene about his visit to his home. Gene explains to Jeff that he knows why Jeff hasn’t blackmailed or ratted on him: Jeff wants to be a part of “the game,” i.e. the criminal lifestyle. Gene gives Jeff the chance to play the game for real, and Jeff gladly accepts.

    Walter White isn’t mentioned by his name

    The replica of store Gene lets Jeff practice robbery at

    Later in the episode, we see Gene has made a rough replica of the store he wants Jeff to rob. Gene works as a manager there and to give Jeff a head-start, he has planned this robbery. He guides Jeff on how to take the most-priced items in one go. During the time he is convincing him that this robbery is worth it, he mentions Walter White, not by name but by his success. The exact words by Gene are:

    “I’ll tell you what’s crazy 50-year-old high school chemistry teacher comes into my office the guy is so broke he can’t pay his own mortgage one year later he’s got a pile of cash as big as a Volkswagen that’s crazy”

    Now we all know who was an intelligent chemistry teacher who collected a fortune in his lifetime. Walter White. This shows that maybe he will have an appearance in the series. This is the last season so this could also be a tie to the original story, completely knotting Better Call Saul to the Breaking Bad.

    Gene telling Jeff about Walter White
    Gene telling Jeff about Walter White

    This is what many fans were waiting for as it is already known that Better Call Saul would connect with Breaking Bad but how it would, this was a mystery. Now we may have an idea with Walter White’s mention in the episode. Let’s now wait for how much more the waiting we need to do before the connection is fully formed. We only know that in Saul, Gene talks about Walter White. Hopefully, not much as it’s the last season so fingers crossed.

    We have also covered another instance that grabbed a lot of attention. This was the scene where Nachi hides from the gang in oil. It is revealed that The oil in Nacho’s hiding scene was drinkable, Better Call Saul reveals. If interested, do check it out.

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    Izna Anjum
    Izna Anjum
    Izna is an avid reader, gamer and anime-lover who likes to express thoughts through words. She has years of experience playing single-player games and writing guides about them. In Retrology, she has been a professional gaming guides writer for 1+ year. She is currently playing Hogwarts Legacy and Valorant.
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