    GamingRoguelikeLethal Honor is an upcoming 80s comic style roguelite indie game

    Lethal Honor is an upcoming 80s comic style roguelite indie game

    Last Updated on August 14, 2023 by “Talha Saqib”

    A new game is coming to the market named, Lethal Honor – Order of the Apocalypse which is a hack-and-slash indie game that is inspired by the art style of the 80s comics. The 1980s were known as the age when most of the comics were directed towards the older audience, which the gameplay of this game also reflects. The game is set in a brutal post-apocalyptic setting filled with action and adventure.

    In Lethal Honor, the player plays as an agent of a secret organization who defeats and removes any type of danger that is present. Players need to keep in mind how to survive and plan correctly to defeat these threats. The whole purpose of this game and its storyline is to uncover the story panels, one by one, and uncover the root of the problem. There are different characters you play as and each plays their part in unveiling the story.

    The game is made for the player to travel through different zones that can also be called stages. These zones each have their own set of items, quests, enemies, and even artifacts that will aid you through the journey. Take a look at this trailer for a more clear view of what this game looks like.

    The graphics of this game are inspired by comics, with different screens showing hand-drawn panels that look like they’ve come alive. The setting is dark and gloomy, with an atmosphere similar to a gothic aesthetic. To this gloomy background, the graphics of the characters and attacks are vividly clear and look interesting to see. The drastic color and outlining make you look like you are watching a moving comic with a superhero fighting off an enemy.

    Not to mention, the game is full-on roguelite meaning it will feature perma-death, procedural generation of levels, and more features of a typical roguelite game.

    The release date for Lethal Honor is still a mystery, but you can add it to your wishlist on Steam to get your hands on it as soon as possible. What is confirmed is that along with PC, it will be released for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.

    This is all the information released about Lethal Honor – Order of the Apocalypse game. Until its release, you can check out these other indie games and maybe enjoy playing one of them.

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    Izna Anjum
    Izna Anjum
    Izna is an avid reader, gamer and anime-lover who likes to express thoughts through words. She has years of experience playing single-player games and writing guides about them. In Retrology, she has been a professional gaming guides writer for 1+ year. She is currently playing Hogwarts Legacy and Valorant.
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