    GamingRoguelikeDarkest Dungeons 2 All Classes/Heroes Summarized

    Darkest Dungeons 2 All Classes/Heroes Summarized

    Last Updated on May 20, 2023 by “Talha Saqib”

    As they say “The biggest risk is not taking one” and seems like this indie game developer went all in for this quote. Darkest Dungeon 2 has undeniably evolved to be darker than its original, giving us an even better experience with its boss fights, enemies, and heroes.

    Talking about heroes, there are in total 12 of these and all of them have been kept unique, adding quite a lot of dilemma to the game when it comes to choosing these characters. For every player who is stuck in this dilemma here we have mentioned all of the Darkest Dungeons 2 heroes for you to have a deeper look into.


    Darkest Dungeons 2 Heroes – Highwayman
    Base Stats
     MAX HP35 SPD5
     Bleed30% Stun30%
     Blight30% Move30%
     Burn30% Debuff20%
     Disease30% Death Blow60%
    2 forwards, 2 backwards
    Permanent Condition

    Thanks to Highways man’s self-Buffs, Death Blow and RES Piercing, he is able to take on many heavy damages and can even be relied on when closer to death. Highwayman is also equipped with this unique skill that can be used to eliminate or steal tokens from enemies. Apart from being good at taking damage, Highwayman is capable of afflicting heavy damage to enemies from both the front and the back ranks as well.

    The Highwayman will be starting each run with the following skills: Wicked Slice, Pistol Shot, Duelist’s Advance, Tracking Shot, and Take Aim.

    Every hero is equipped with some unique trinkets as well. The following are the ones that Highwayman is equipped with.

    Rat SkullTurn Start: If First in Turn Order: Crit (66%)
    Self: Duelist’s Advance Skill: Immobilize (66%)
    vs Creature: -90% Healing Received from Skills
    Tormenting LocketMelee Skills: +15% CRIT
    Open Vein Skill: +2 Bleed Dealt
    Gain on Attack: Ranged Skills: +1 Stress (25%)
    Cursed Coin+5% DMG per Positive Token
    Self: Highway Robbery Skill: Riposte x2 (50%)
    If Relics > 100: -15% CRIT


    Darkest Dungeons 2 Heroes – Man-at-Arms
    Base Stats
     MAX HP42 SPD2
     Bleed30% Stun30%
     Blight30% Move30%
     Burn30% Debuff20%
     Disease30% Death Blow60%
    2 forwards, 2 backwards
    Permanent Condition

    A defender like no other Man-at-Arms is always ready to put himself in danger in order to protect other teammates. This tank hero is undeniably a go-to for anyone wanting to increase combat survival capabilities. Additionally, Man-at-Arms is also quite adaptive, his unique skill set allows him to adapt to any rank and he can also take multiple positions depending on the situation. Whether the back of the team or the front end to support his team, Man-at-Arms is capable of both.

    Man-at-Arms starts its run with the following skills: Crush, Rampart, Defender, Bolster, and Hold the Line.

    Price of PrideGain when Hit: Blockplus (33%)
    Apply on Attack: Bellow Skill: Stun (10%)
    Turn Start: If First in Turn Order: Blind
    Standard of the NinthEach Hero on Combat Start: Blockplus
    Courageous Abandon Skill: +50% CRIT
    Gain on Miss: If Rank = 1: Weak
    Undeserved CommendationIf Rank = 2: +25% Max HP
    Target: Command Skill: Crit (33%)
    When Moving: If Rank = 1: +1 Stress

    Grave Robber

    Darkest Dungeons 2 All Classes/Heroes
    Darkest Dungeons 2 – Grave Robber
    Base Stats
     MAX HP29 SPD5
     Bleed30% Stun20%
     Blight30% Move20%
     Burn30% Debuff30%
     Disease30% Death Blow60%
    2 forwards, 2 backwards
    Permanent Condition

    Despite the fact that Grave Robber has little HP as compared to others, however, when Grave Robber combines its most flexible targeting and position with her self-sustain, dodge, and stealth abilities, she becomes almost impossible for enemies to hit.

    Grave Robber starts her run with the following skills: Pick to the face, Thrown dagger, Falshing Dagger, Poison Dart, and Absinthe.

    Foreclosure NoticeApply on Hit: If Rank = 4: Combo (33%)
    Gain on Hit: Flashing Daggers Skills: Stealth (33%)
    If no Stealth: -75% Healing Received from Skills
    His RingsPoison Dart Skill: +2 Blight Dealt
    Apply on CRIT: Ranged Skills: Blight 2
    If Rank = 1: +75% DMG Taken
    Stiff DrinkPick to the Face Skills: +50% DMG
    Turn Start: Convert Stealth to Crit (80%)
    Turn End: Convert Speed to Daze (20%)


    Darkest Dungeons 2 All Classes/Heroes
    Darkest Dungeons 2 – Hellion
    Base Stats
     MAX HP35 SPD4
     Bleed30% Stun20%
     Blight30% Move20%
     Burn30% Debuff20%
     Disease20% Death Blow60%
    1 forwards, 0 backwards
    Permanent Condition
    Turn Start:
    HP < 50%: +25% DMG
    HP < 25%: +25% DMG

    Hellion is yet another hero capable to deliver some heavy bursts of damage from the front end, however, she does need some time to recover between the attacks. One thing to keep in mind is that she does not really have good defence capabilities like block or dodge but she can self-heal to increase health or reduce stress as well.

    Hellion starts its run with the following skills: Wicked Hack, Iron Swan, Barbaric Yawp, If It Bleeds, and Toe to Toe.

    Bloodied BranchGain on CRIT: Melee Skills: Strength (66%)
    If It Bleeds Skill: +2 Bleed Dealt
    When Moving: If Rank = 4: +2 stress 
    Rotten TomatoIf Rank = 1: -20% Disease RES
    If Rank = 2: +30% DMG
    Apply on Hit: Breakthrough Skill: Combo, Add 1 Negative Token
    Empty SteinIf Bleed: +25% DMG
    Self: Barbaric YAWP! Skill: Strength
    Gain on Bleed Resist: weak (25%)

    Plague Doctor

    Darkest Dungeons 2 All Classes/Heroes
    Darkest Dungeons 2 – Plague Doctor
    Base Stats
     MAX HP28 SPD4
     Bleed30% Stun10%
     Blight40% Move20%
     Burn30% Debuff20%
     Disease40% Death Blow60%
    1 forwards, 1 backwards
    Permanent Condition

    From amongst the heroes of Darkest Dungeons 2, Plague Doctor is literally a doctor or you can say a healer who is always there to help support and heal the team. Quite unexpectedly, Plague Doctor can also afflict a heavy amount of Blight damage, however, her HP is something that you will have to be careful with. Because of her low HP, Plague Doctor is vulnerable to heavy attack so it’s always better to keep her at the back of the team.

    Plague Doctor starts its run with the following skills: Noxious Blast, Blinding Gas, Incision, Battlefield Medicine, and Ounce of Prevention.

    Annotated TextbookMelee Skills: +10% CRIT
    If Medicinal Herbs is Equipped: +50% Healing Given
    Turn Start: If First in Turn Order: Vulnurable
    Early ExperimentIf Noxious Item is Equipped: +2 Blight Dealt
    Apply on Hit Disorienting Blast Skill: Blight 2 (50%)
    Incision Skill: -100% Bleed Dealt
    Storage Room KeyTarget: Ounce of Prevention Skill: Block
    Target: Emboldening Vapours Skill: Regen 2
    Battlefield Medicine Skill: -50% Healing Given


    Darkest Dungeons 2 All Classes/Heroes
    Darkest Dungeons 2 – Runaway
    Base Stats
     MAX HP33 SPD4
     Bleed20% Stun20%
     Blight20% Move30%
     Burn30% Debuff20%
     Disease30% Death Blow60%
    1 forwards, 2 backwards
    Permanent Condition

    Runaway is one of those unique characters who have the capability to use stealth mode and being able to heal her allies is like cherry on top. Runaway is a front liner because this hero won’t be able to use some of her skills when placed in the back ranks. However, if placed in the 3rd or 4th rank she can target back Ranks of enemies, so here it’s more like a dilemma for the players. Her skillset also includes the newly introduced burn effect which adds to the uniqueness of this hero.

    Runaway starts its run with the following skills:  Searing Strike, Firefly, Smokescreen, Run and Hide, and Hearthlight.

    Carved ToyTurn Start: If Stealth: Crit (50%)
    Apply on Hit: Hearthlight Skill: Combo (50%)
    vs Gaunt: -4 Speed
    Pile of AshWhen Moving: Dodgeplus (50%)
    Self: Backdraft Skill: Stealth
    Combat Start: vs Gaunt: +1 Stress
    Knitted Blanket
    +100% Burn RES
    Burn-Causing Skills: +2 Burn Dealt
    vs Gaunt: -25% DMG


    Darkest Dungeons 2 All Classes/Heroes
    Darkest Dungeons 2 Heroes – Jester
    Base Stats
     MAX HP29 SPD4
     Bleed20% Stun20%
     Blight20% Move20%
     Burn20% Debuff30%
     Disease30% Death Blow60%
    3 forwards, 2 backwards
    Permanent Condition

    This hero loves to move around since many of his moves require him to change positions. So if you’re team is a bit rigid and prefers rank consistency, you might not be able to unleash the true power of Jester. The speciality of Jester is its ability to use Combo with 4 potential skills which no other hero can use.

    Jester starts its run with the following skills: Razor’s Wit, Fade to Black, Slice Off, Battle Ballad, and Inspiring Tune.

    Severed FingerIf Target Bleed: +25% DMG
    Slice Off Skill: +2 Bleed Dealt
    +1 Bleed Received
    Royal SummonsWhen Moving Crit (10%)
    Target: Play Out Skill: Destroy 1 Negative Token
    Turn End: If Rank = 4: Taunt x2
    Busker’s HaulRandom Ally on Turn End: If Rank = 1: Add 1 Positive Token
    Self: Solo Skill: Crit (50%)
    If Relics < 25: -25% DMG


    Darkest Dungeons 2 All Classes/Heroes
    Darkest Dungeons 2 Heroes – Leper
    Base Stats
     MAX HP44 SPD2
     Bleed10% Stun30%
     Blight10% Move20%
     Burn20% Debuff20%
     Disease30% Death Blow60%
    1 forwards, 0 backwards
    Permanent Condition
    Combat Start:
    Blind (50%)
    Blind (25%)

    Leper is also one of those heroes who are always ready to protect their team. His ability to take more damage and stress due to higher HP is what makes him a hero for the front rank. Leper goes best with any hero that can perform a combo because with that Leper and his main damage abilities will be able to ignore the Blind effect which is one major issue for Leper.

    Leper starts its run with the following skills: Chop, Purge, Withstand, Solemnity, and Reflection.

    A Simple FlowerGain on Move Resist: Regen 2
    Gain on Stun Resist: Block
    Gain on CRIT Melee Skills: +1 Stress (25%)
    Inevitable EndTarget: Break Skill: Cannot Gain Block (2 rounds)
    Gain when Hit: If Speed <= 2: Remove weak and vulnerable
    Round Start: -2% Deathsdoor RES (1 Battle)
    Uncommon Seashell-10% DMG Received per Negative Token
    Apply on Hit: Intimidate Skills: Combo
    Gain when Hit: Bleed 1 (15%)


    Darkest Dungeons 2 All Classes/Heroes
    Darkest Dungeons 2 Heroes – Occultist
    Base Stats
     MAX HP31 SPD5
     Bleed30% Stun20%
     Blight30% Move20%
     Burn30% Debuff30%
     Disease30% Death Blow60%
    2 forwards, 2 backwards
    Permanent Condition

    At first, Occultist is definitely one of those characters that you keep in the back ranks. This hero does not afflict damage at first, however, Occultist afflicts them with negative effects to reduce their efficiency and is also great when it comes to healing other allies. Now, as you progress through the game and through more shrines of reflections, Occultist will soon become a much better option because he will now have abilities to afflict damage and skills like unchecked power to reveal his true power and heavy damage he is capable of. However, do remember to be a bit careful with this particular effect named unchecked power.

    Occultist starts its run with the following skills: Sacrificial Stab, Abyssal Artillery, Weakening Curse, Wyrd Reconstruction, and Daemon’s Pull.

    Seeing SphereTurn End: Convert vulnerable to uncheckedpower
    Apply on Hit: Daemon’s Pull Skill: 1 Negative Token (66%)
    Gain when Moved by Enemy: 1 Negative Token (33%)
    Scalded SkullIf Target Burn: +50% Healing Given
    Ranged Skills: +25% Debuff RES Piercing
    Random Ally on Turn Start: If unchecked power >= 2: Burn 1 (33%)
    Shambler’s Eye+10% DMG per Stress
    -10% Healing Given per Stress
    Gain on CRIT: Binding Shadows Skills: unchecked power


    Darkest Dungeons 2 – Vestal
    Base Stats
     MAX HP41 SPD2
     Bleed20% Stun20%
     Blight20% Move20%
     Burn30% Debuff20%
     Disease20% Death Blow60%
    1 forwards, 1 backwards
    Permanent Condition

    For those players who prefer flexibility over everything else, Vestal will be a perfect fit for you. She is able to do both heavy damage and support other allies as well. She also has this unique effect named conviction that makes skills much more powerful, however, it consumes tokens so be sure to be careful. Also, her slow speed and gaps between attacks are something that you should be prepared for.

    Vestal starts its run with the following skills: Hand of Light, Illumination, Judgement, Divine Grace, and Consecration of Fortitude.

    Icon of the LightIf Rank = 4: +2 Regen Dealt
    Target: Consecration Skills: -1 Stress
    Melee Skills: -50% DMG
    Profane ScrollIf Rank = 1: +25% Max HP
    If Rank = 2: +25% DMG
    Hand of Light Skill: Taunt x2
    Turn End: If Rank = 3 or 4: +2 Stress
    Smoldering FirewoodIf Flammable Item is Equipped: +25% DMG
    Target: Illumination Skill: Burn 2
    Gain when Hit: Burn 1 (15%)


    Darkest Dungeons 2 – Flagellant
    Base Stats
     MAX HP50 SPD3
     Bleed20% Stun30%
     Blight50% Move30%
     Burn10% Debuff20%
     Disease75% Death Blow75%
    2 forwards, 1 backwards
    Permanent Condition

    Flagellant starts its run with the following skills: Punish, Fester, Deathless, Endure, and Lash’s Gift. He also has this unique token named Pain that can be used to heal 10-15% of HP per token, his class description says: Front rank, blight, Durable, and Sacrificial support.

    EmancipationIf HP < 20%: +25% DMG
    Target: Punish Skill: Steal 1 Positive Token
    -20% Bleed RES
    Searing ScriptureRound End: Remove 1 Negative Token, Remove Combo
    Target: Endure Skill: Steal 1 Negative Token, Steal Combo 
    -20% Burn RES
    His PrisonApply to Attacker when Hit: +1 Blight Received (3 turns) (33%)
    Self: More! MORE! Skill: Strength
    +10% Negative Banter

    Bounty Hunter

    Darkest Dungeons 2 – Bounty Hunter
    Base Stats
     MAX HP48 SPD3
     Bleed30% Stun40%
     Blight30% Move30%
     Burn30% Debuff40%
     Disease40% Death Blow75%
    2 forwards, 2 backwards
    Permanent Condition
    On Consume 
    50% Chance to Apply 

    This one is more of a special hero that you can get your hands on in Darkest Dungeons 2. This special hero can be unlocked from Atlar of Hope, however, you can only hire him for your party when his poster is shown at The Inn. When hiring this special hero, one of the heroes from your party will have to be replaced, and in case you just have one hero left then Bounty Hunter will proceed along with that hero. Hiring the Bounty Hunter will also cost you four candles of hope.

    Bounty Hunter starts its run with the following skills: Collect Bounty, Marked For Death, Come Hither, Caltrops, and Flashbang.

    Crime Lords’ Molars+50% Move RES Piercing
    If Target Combo: +20% DMG
    If Target Stun: +5% CRIT
    Vengeful Kill ListGain on Killing Blow: +3% DMG (Until Next Inn)
    +20% Deathsdoor RES Piercing
    Utility BeltCaltrops Skill: +25% Debuff RES Piercing
    Apply on Hit: Flashbang Skill: Blind
    Apply on Hit: Hurlbat Skill: Weak

    Well, that’s about it, do let us know which characters you personally prefer the most and why in the comment section below. We personally love discussing such, so to know more about the latest updates, news, and guides, keep visiting Retrology.

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    Rehan Muzammil
    Rehan Muzammil
    Rehan is a gaming enthusiast who loves to guide, discuss and share his ideas/views on Retrology. On the side, he is also a business student. Rehan has been writing gaming guides on Retrology for over a year now. His last played game was Stray - about which he has also written guides.
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