    GamingTurn-Based StrategyBaldur's Gate 3 Paladin Class Explained

    Baldur’s Gate 3 Paladin Class Explained

    Last Updated on August 31, 2023 by “Izna Anjum”

    Released on August 3rd, 2023, Baldur’s Gate 3 is created and developed by Larian Studios. This game is inspired by the 5th-edition Dungeons & Dragons and follows its rule set. As this game is inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, the Paladin class in Baldur’s Gate 3 is characterized as Lawfully Good, which makes them a straightforwardly good class. This can be seen with the quote that defines them:

    Fuelled by the Oaths you swore to uphold justice and righteousness, you are a beacon of hope in dark times

    Although this game leaves the rare opportunity of them being a little evil, the possibility is quite rare. Let’s deep dive into the Baldur’s Gate 3 class of Paladin and other important aspects you should know about this class.

    Paladin Basic Stats

    • Primary Ability: Strength
    • Saving Throw Proficiencies: Wisdom and Charisma
    • Hit Dice: 1D10 per level
    • Armor: Light Armour, Medium Armour, Heavy Armour, Shields
    • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
    • Skills: Any 2 from
      • Athletics
      • Insight
      • Intimidation
      • Medicine
      • Persuasion
      • Religion

    Paladin Subclasses

    Oath Of Devotion

    Following the ideal of the knight in shining armour, you act with honour and virtue to protect the weak and pursue the greater good.

    The first class is Oath of Devotion, which focuses on upholding the law and being devoted knights by themselves. They are devoted to the law and work on themselves rather than spreading the word. Even their ability is for helping allies as it grants one with an aura that delivers Radiant damage to anyone who hits them with a melee attack.

    Action: Holy Rebuke

    The action you unlock with Oath of the Ancients subclass is Holy Rebuke. This action gives an ally an aura that does 1d4 radiant damage. This is applicable to any enemy that attacks with a melee weapon. It lasts for two turns and has the range of 18 m.


    The tenants are the class feature that are specific for each class. They are important for character as they show their relationships with the NPCs. Here are the three tenants of Oath of Devotion class:

    • Courage: Can get into action confidently.
    • Compassion: Be compassionate for those in need.
    • Duty: Are responsible and obey the laws needed to be followed.

    Oath Of The Ancients

    You fight on the side of light in the cosmic struggle against darkness to preserve the sanctity of life and the beauty of nature.

    Oath of The Ancients is the second class of Paladin, which is the textbook class of what Paladins are. They are lawful, good, and true to their oath by doing no wrong. They will do anything to save the world from evil and restore its peace in the nicest way possible. In combat, they are best at healing.

    Action: Healing Radiance

    This action heals you and your team within the 3 m range for 5 hit points. This only works for one turn and dosent effect if someone is dead or effected by something else.



    Oath Of Vengeance

    You have set aside even your own purity to right wrongs and deliver justice to those who have committed the most grievous sins.

    Oath of vengeance is sort of like the evil Paladin they have their own view of what righteousness is. They seek evil people to punish them for their sins and play the role of vigilantes. Apart from that, they have great combat abilities and their ability can help with that. In the Oath of Vengeance subclass, you don’t need an oath, but the oath does play a role in your game because you’ll have to stick to it if you want to stay in that subclass.

    Action: Inquisitor’s Might

    Attacks for you and your team deal more radiant damage, which is equal to your charisma modifier. This also Dazes enemies for one turn and works at the range of 9 me.


    Here are the Oath of Vengeance paladins’ tenants:

    • Fight the Greater Evil: Exerting your wisdom, identify the higher morality in any given instance, and fight for it.
    • No Mercy for the Wicked: Chasten those who dole out their villainy by wiping their blight from the world forever.


    You have broken your sacred Oath in pursuit of power and ambition. Only darkness remains to fuel you now.

    Oathbreaker is the fourth class which is not available for all and can only be accessed if you break the oath that upholds the dynamics of a Paladin which will be confirmed by an Oathbreaker knight approaching you. Oathbreakers are necrotic damage-focused Paladin, which gives you access to several necrotic spells with other evil aspects. If you want to take the evil route with Paladin, this class is the only option.

    Action: Spiteful Suffering

    This action does 1d4 Necrotic damage to the chosen target, which goes on for three turns. The target has to be in 3 m range.

    Unlock Oathbreaker

    Here’s how you can unlock this class:

    • Going back on your word and betraying people you have convinced not to harm you will, in general, violate your oath.
    • Allowing Arka to murder the imprisoned goblin Sazza.
    • At the Shattered Sanctum, torture Liam.

    Remember, you have the option to regain your previous Oath at any time. Inform the Oathbreaker Knight at the camp that you wish to restore your oath. He will demand 1,000 gold to restore it.

    Unique Paladin Class Features

    Channel Oath Charges

    Acquired at: Level 1

    This oath grants the ability to use the power of the Paladin oath and fuel the desired skill or action. This can be refilled by resting, so don’t worry about that.

    Divine Health

    Acquired at: Level 3

    Devine Health resists the paladin from getting diseases.

    Lay on Hands Charge

    Acquired at: Level 4, Level 10

    Lay on Hands Charges are used to cast the Lay on Hands Spell (This spell uses blessed touch to heal or cure a creature of diseases and poisons).

    Extra Attack

    Acquired at: Level 5

    After a normal attack, this spell helps you cast another attack without fail or rest.

    Aura of Protection

    Acquired at: Level 6

    Within 3m around you, your allies and you can gain a bonus from saving throws. The effect is permanent.

    Aura of Courage

    Acquired at: Level 10

    Within 3m, all of your allies along with you cannot be frightened. This remains a permanent thing unless you die.

    Improved Divine Smite

    Acquired at: Level 11

    Weapons get affected by the Divine magic, especially Melee. Melee weapons deal additional 1-8 radiant damage.


    Scale MailMedium ArmorMedium Armor Proficiency
    Disadvantage against Stealth rolls.
    AC bonus from Dexterity limited +2
    Leather BootsBootsDefault Boots
    WarhammerMartial Versatile WeaponOne-Handed: 1D8 Damage
    Two-Handed: 1D10 Damage
    Wooden ShieldShieldArmour +2
    Javelin x2Simple Melee WeaponDamage: 1D6
    Health Potion x2ItemRestore Health
    Scroll of RevivifyItemUse this item to revive a companion. Can only be used once.

    Paladin as Support

    The class Paladin has many advantages to it and can be played best as a support role due to the complications with its oath. They have full armor efficiency for light, medium, and heavy armor, as well as shields. They have access to both martial and simple weapons in weapons, so you have plenty of options in terms of what kind of weapon kit you’re actually employing.

    In terms of spells, they have the ability to cast spells as well as heal, making them excellent flexible support. This demonstrates how you can play a paladin in a variety of ways. Their major stat is strength, but as a paladin, you must also consider your charm. Charisma is your spell-casting modifier, therefore any spells you cast will be influenced by Charisma rather than strength.

    With that, the Paladin guide for Baldur’s Gate 3 is complete. If you like this genre of games, you can check out Remnant 2 guides and give it a go too.

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    Izna Anjum
    Izna Anjum
    Izna is an avid reader, gamer and anime-lover who likes to express thoughts through words. She has years of experience playing single-player games and writing guides about them. In Retrology, she has been a professional gaming guides writer for 1+ year. She is currently playing Hogwarts Legacy and Valorant.
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