    GamingTurn-Based StrategyThe new turn-based action indie game that apparently deserves more attention

    The new turn-based action indie game that apparently deserves more attention

    Last Updated on May 16, 2023 by “Talha Saqib”

    It is hard to miss a high-budget game due to the extensive marketing from the publishers but if we consider indie games, they are very easy to overlook. That is why in this article I want to shed some light on a new turn-based strategy game that I believe is not getting the attention it should get. I am talking about Showgunners which is now available on Microsoft Windows and was recently released on May 2nd. 

    Developed by Artificer, Showgunners takes a fun approach to set up the environment. The whole game is set in a fictional reality TV show called HOMICIDAL ALL-STARS in which bounty hunters, murderers, thieves, and people of similar bloodthirsty interests are participating and competing with each other. The strategy game also falls under the genre of cyberpunk as apparent from the characters and environment design.

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    Since the game is indie, it doesn’t look very graphics-heavy. I noticed from the trailers some animations and character models looked outdated. But to be honest, overall Showgunners has a nice-looking appeal and decent visuals. 

    We already know the details that it features multiple characters with various abilities. For example, Warden relies more on its physical strength, while Phantom has the advantage of becoming invisible and focuses on stealthier tactics. Moreover, the game Showgunners also includes a leveling system, puzzle-solving, and different arenas to conquer. The story, however, is a typical revenge tale where the character loses her family in the same reality show and now wants to kill the top executive who is responsible for producing HOMICIDAL ALL-STARS.

    The reason I mentioned that this turn-based indie action game deserves more attention is because ever since it was revealed, I found it quite interesting and from current reviews, it has proven itself of being a really fun and exciting game, but still it hasn’t been able to garner adequate downloads.

    It takes relatively more effort to make games like Showgunners as compared to other indie games that use 2D art styles. The same is true for games like Showgunner to stand out from the crowd of 3D games that involves guns, shooting, and killing.

    Showgunners is only available on PC and has currently only 301 reviews at the time of writing but rocks a status of “Very Positive” on Steam.

    Since I haven’t got the chance to try out the game myself therefore I can’t say if the $29.99 is justified or not but I do think that Showgunners should be given a chance.

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    Talha Saqib
    Talha Saqib
    Talha is founder of Retrology and has been actively following the gaming and media industry for the past 6 years. He is a full-time software engineer. His day-to-day tasks include writing, editing, strategizing content, managing his team, and handling the complete back-end. Talha has been playing video games and writing gaming guides for years. He is currently playing Bloodborne and Resident Evil Revelations.
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