    GamingHogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials Guide

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials Guide

    Last Updated on February 9, 2023 by “Rehan Muzammil”

    Being one of the most awaited games of 2023, Hogwarts Legacy has already made its way to the screens of many players even before its official launch on the 10th of February 2023. The game is currently available as early access on Steam for you to purchase. For those players who are already adventuring through Hogwarts, are you worried about your inventory space? That’s because you have not solved enough Hogwarts Legacy Merlin Trials.

    There are numerous Merlin Trials that you can cover in order to increase your inventory. Merlin Trials are essentially puzzles designed to put what Hogwarts students have learned in class to the test. Nevertheless, today what we will be anchoring on is Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials. So, in this guide, you will be learning about the exact locations of Merlin Trials in Cragcroftshire and how you can successfully complete those trials. So without wasting any time, let’s begin.

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials

    The Cragcroftshire Reigon has around 5 Merlin Trials that you can complete, a leaf logo will appear on the mini-map as soon as you get close to them or you can even find them on the main map by zooming in a particular region. Here are the exact locations of all 5 of them and how to solve them. (Note: The order of Merlin Trials in this guide is totally random, you can start from anywhere you like)

    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #1

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Merlin Trial #1

    The very first Merlin Trial can be found on the south side of Cragcroftshire and as mentioned above a leaf logo will appear as soon as you zoom in. Make your way to the exact location and you will be able to find a circle along with the logo. Sprinkle some Mallowsweet Leaves to begin the trial.

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #1
    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #1

    In order to complete the trial, look for some pillars around you with a globe on top and destroy them using Confringo. There are a total of 9 of these pillars and all of them are visible from the very same circle where the trial was initiated.

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #1

    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #2

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Merlin Trial #2

    This one is located on the southeast side of the map, once you’re there sprinkle the Mallowsweet Leaves to begin the trial. Now, look for block structures right next to the seashore on your left. You basically have to jump on the blocks one after another and reach the last one without falling. There are in total 6 blocks that you have to jump on and are relatively easier to do so.

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #2

    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #3

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Merlin Trial #3

    You can find the third Merlin Trial on the east side of the Cragcroftshire region. You will find the circle on the left side of a house, once again sprinkle the Mallowsweet leaves to begin the trial. Now, look for some pillars, the first one will be on the left side of the house, use Confringo to destroy the pillar.

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #3

    Now head down the hill and you will be able to find another one on your right, right next to a shop.

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #3

    Lastly, keep heading straight from the same path and you will be able to locate the third pillar in a distance. Use Confringo to destroy it and you’re done with the third merlin Trial.

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #3

    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #4

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Merlin Trial #4

    For this one, you will have to go a bit north of the Cragcroftshire region up the hill. Once you have located the trial, sprinkle the Mallowsweet leaves to begin the trial. As soon as you sprinkle them, a few butterflies will appear, use Lumos to make them follow you.

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #4

    Now head down the hill where you will find some more of them, collect them, and come back to the circle.

    Right in front of the circle you will find a block, get close to it and some butterflies will be taken by that block. Another block will be on the left side of the previous, go to it and deliver some of the butterflies to that one.

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #4

    Now you will be out of butterflies, so head back to the circle and you will find more of them in bushes next to the circle. Lastly, look for yet another block behind the wall on the right of the circle and deliver the butterflies to complete the trial.

    Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials
    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #4

    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #5

    Merlin Trial #5

    This one is on the west side of the Cragcroftshire region. Sprinkle the Mallowsweet leaves when you reach the circle to being the trial. For this one, you will have to destroy 5 blocks using Confringo.

    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #5 – Block 1

    The first one will be inside the room next to you, destroy the door and you will find it right in front.

    Merlin Trial #5 – Block 2

    The second block will be on top of the hill you’re standing next to.

    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #5 – Block 3

    The third one will be close to the center of the area and the open area that you are in.

    Merlin Trial #5 – Block 4

    The fourth one can be viewed from the ruined structure on the other side of the area, opposite the hill. The last block is located in the top left corner of the open area, opposite the circle.

    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trial #5 – Block 5

    There you have it, congratulations on completing all the Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials. Let us know in the comment section below which guide should we cover next. In case you want to know about Guide to Hogwarts Legacy all potion recipes, ingredients, and locations or for more guides, stay tuned to Retrology.

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    Rehan Muzammil
    Rehan Muzammil
    Rehan is a gaming enthusiast who loves to guide, discuss and share his ideas/views on Retrology. On the side, he is also a business student. Rehan has been writing gaming guides on Retrology for over a year now. His last played game was Stray - about which he has also written guides.
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