    NewsDwayne Johnson Confirms, Black Adam will fight Superman in the DCEU!

    Dwayne Johnson Confirms, Black Adam will fight Superman in the DCEU!

    Last Updated on May 19, 2024 by “Tayyab Adnan”

    Dwayne Johnson has been hyping the probable short encounter or fight between Black Adam and Superman for almost as long as he has been confirmed to play the character. Both of them have been teasing this though for a while now and it all started in late 2016 when Henry Cavill shared a photo with Johnson hinting at their excitement for the future.

    Since then, Johnson has contributed by regularly hinting at a Superman battle, including a more recent hint that he always pays attention to fans. Finally, in his interview with CinemaBlend, he confirmed that this interaction is going to happen. When asked if he’d be interested in seeing “Black Adam vs. Superman, he said the following.

    Absolutely. That is the whole point of this man. Thank you for asking that. And I have been saying for some time, there’s a new era in the DC Universe that’s about to begin. And what I meant by that was introducing a brand new character. It’s not a sequel, not an existing IP. It was…you know, Black Adam! Two years ago the world had no idea who he was. We did, but not, you know, the rest of the mass out there. Introducing the JSA, introducing that new era of the DC universe. But also what I really meant by, ‘This is a new era in the DC Universe,’ is listening to the fans. Listening to the fans. And doing our best to give the fans what they want.

    He continued with the expression of how he would always prioritize listening to fans in Pro wrestling.

    And maybe, sometime down the road — and I went through this in pro wrestling — is you can’t always give them what you want. But you’ll always know that we’re listening. And in this case, with what you and I are talking about, I have been listening and I’ve been wanting to address fans for years. Because I’ve been waiting for someone to step up and address the fans and say, ‘Hey, we hear you.’ So finally, after many months turned into many years, we ended up with what we ended up at. And the whole goal and intention now is to this new era, new time. Now let’s build out.

    You can see for yourself in this Video.

    Although the confession isn’t straightforward, his hinting about the fight between Black Adam and Superman can be taken as a yes. So let’s go with that. The “Black Adam” movie adaption debuts in theatres all across the world the next week, October 21st. The project’s lead, Dwayne Johnson, has long been associated with it and has bragged that this movie will be responsible for making the DC universe what it actually needs to be. With that being said, many believe that with Dwayne Johnson involved, things are reportedly improving.

    With the movie expected to release soon, let’s hope that this brings back the original powerful DC universe we grew up with and prove that this was a good choice.

    To be updated, check out the News such as Batgirl’s cancellation on our site Retrology.

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    Izna Anjum
    Izna Anjum
    Izna is an avid reader, gamer and anime-lover who likes to express thoughts through words. She has years of experience playing single-player games and writing guides about them. In Retrology, she has been a professional gaming guides writer for 1+ year. She is currently playing Hogwarts Legacy and Valorant.
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