    GamingHorrorHow to defeat the Grenade Launcher Boss in Scorn

    How to defeat the Grenade Launcher Boss in Scorn

    Scorn is the new scary survival game for you. And it will give you chills. Even though there aren’t many enemies in the game, this baby mech has a grenade launcher boss in Act 5 is the hardest one to defeat. That’s because of the layers of phases you need to complete. And good strategic planning will get you there. We have a long way to go so let’s start the Scorn Grenade Launcher Boss guide for you.

    Scorn: Phase 1 of Grenade Launcher Boss Strategy in Act 5

    Scorn: Phase 1 of Grenade Launcher Boss Strategy in Act 5
    Scorn: Phase 1 of Grenade Launcher Boss Strategy in Act 5

    The first phase is to kneel the boss down. For that, you need to bait the boss by allowing it to use all its ammunition. And when its ammo is no more, then it’s time for you to attack. As it kneels down to reload its ammo, aims and shoots its red tank(it will on its side).

    If you choose to use the shotgun arms, then it will take four attempts to get the job done. And if you use pistol-like weapons, then it might take longer.

    Some extra tricks will ensure that you pass this phase.

    • My recommendation is to use utilize the two cages in the field. As they can help you to move around easily and prevent you from getting hits. But you need to make sure to be careful as you might get hit by the gaps in the bars.
    • If you get low on health or ammo, reach the area where you pick the red baby egg. And get recharged.
    • Once the boss kneels down, wait till it reveals its red tank. Once it’s exposed, then hit the tank. Or else, your ammo will be wasted.
    • Try to heal or reload ammo after you hit the tank.

    These tricks will surely be in your favor. The first phase of Act 5 is completed when the boss is finally subdued. And you can interact with its grenade launcher smoothly. The baby mech will be mad at you by now. This is phase 2 now.

    Scorn: Phase 2 of Grenade Launcher Boss Strategy in Act 5

    Scorn: Phase 2 of Grenade Launcher Boss Strategy in Act 5
    Scorn: Phase 2 of Grenade Launcher Boss Strategy in Act 5

    The second phase is almost the same as the first one. But this time you need to lure the boss to swing its arm toward you and aim to shoot in its belly when its metallic case gets opened. For a shotgun, you have to shoot for two attempts. And for a pistol, it might take more attempts.

    Here are some of my tricks for you to pass through Phase 2 smoothly.

    • Patience is the key! You have to wait till the tank is revealed. The boss might swing this arm but doesn’t reveal the tank, then you have to wait for some time.
    • Again, move around the cages to avoid being hit. But of course, be careful of the gaps between the bars.
    • When the boss gets to reload, you too can avail this opportunity to read your ammo.
    • For rejuvenating your health and ammo, recharge from the red baby egg location. But it is a one-time resource.
    Phase 1 Completed

    You will know that the second phase is completed when the mech is down and the baby falls out. Now, get your hands on the grenade launcher. You will have the baby automatically. Here, starts the baby puzzle then needs to be resolved to get to the second boss fight.

    Egg Baby Room Puzzle Solution in Act 5

    Egg Baby Room Puzzle Solution in Act 5
    Egg Baby Room Puzzle Solution in Act 5

    Head to the room where to place the last one. And return to the chamber where you have defeated the mech. If you haven’t noticed then let me tell you that you can’t change your weapons. And to do so, you first need to use the grenade launcher first.

    The solution to the egg baby room puzzle is to stand on the platform in the room. And fire the two pillars (you can see them between the small egg rooms) with the grenade launcher. This will open up a locked room where you will see a new mech suit where the old one was placed.

    The new mech baby is brand new and now faster too!

    Scorn Grenade Launcher Boss Strategy in Act 5

    Scorn Grenade Launcher Boss Strategy in Act 5
    Scorn Grenade Launcher Boss Strategy in Act 5

    Great work! You have your personal grenade launcher that can fire five missiles at a time. The last piece of the strategy is to lure the boss into using its entire ammo. And hit on a red hole on its back. One perfect shot will be enough to get the boss down. But if it isn’t possible then you still have some attempts to do so.

    As the boss gets down, dispose of the last baby just the one before it. And pick the capsule to unlock the path for the two dormant bodies. You have got so far then you can solve the last puzzles too. Keep going!

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    Sara Javed
    Sara Javed
    An avid gaming writer who's always curious to know more about the gaming industry and video games in general. I am interested in learning new stuff and helping others do the same with my content.
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