    GamingRole-PlayingGotham Knights how to defeat Mr. Freeze - Complete Solution

    Gotham Knights how to defeat Mr. Freeze – Complete Solution

    After the heroic end of Bruce Wayne, his family has now taken the responsibility to save the people of Gotham. And you can be a part of it in Gotham Knights. There are many adventures and missions for you in-game. Like Blast Door and Street Art Locations. Just like them is Mr. Freeze Mech Boss. This isn’t an easy one so let’s get to the complete solution to how to defeat Gotham Knights Mr. Freeze.

    Gotham Knights: Mr. Freeze

    Dr. Victor Fries aka Mr. Freeze is another villain from Gotham’s crime world. He’s overjoyed by the death of Batman and wants to take over Gotham City with his sinister plan. He wants to turn the city into an icy wonderland by risking the lives of the locals. Here is how you can defeat him and what powerful weapons you need to use to get Mr. Freeze to melt to the ground.

    List of Weapons Mr. Freeze might try at you

    Armored Attacks

    Be quick. If he gets close, he can attack with multiple attempts so better be fast.

    Rocket Attacks

    Rockets attacks can get the players in trouble so it’s better to evacuate the area. As they are fatal and can be fired multiple at a time. You will see a red symbol if he marks you with missiles.

    Evac and launches Fatal Attacks

    This attack is the last resort when he knows he won’t win. He evac the area by boosting like a rocket in the air. And emits cryogenic waves to cause fatal damage.

    Freeze Gun

    Keep moving till you see he is about to stop. And run for a short distance, even when he stops. It’s up to you how you aim to fire. But make sure the range to aim is short.

    Freeze Gun Slam

    He gives shields himself and bounces in the air to slam back on the ground again. So, be careful you’ll surely lose your health if you are close.

    How to Defeat Mr. Freeze (which weapons to use)

    How to Defeat Mr. Freeze (which weapons to use)

    Mr. Freeze loves ice and you have to use high-temperature and strong weapons to melt from your edge. This is the only weakness he possesses and the only point that you can utilize against him. He is very strong even against fatal weapons like cryogenic and toxic damage.

    Red Hood is a good option to use when it comes to his dual pistols. And of course the evacuation ability of Nightwing. To win this tedious fight against ice, just have high-heat arms.

    Eventually, with these tips, you will surely defeat the Gotham Knights Mr. Freeze. The fight might be long and tiresome. But don’t stop there, keep fighting villains to protect innocent lives.

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    Sara Javed
    Sara Javed
    An avid gaming writer who's always curious to know more about the gaming industry and video games in general. I am interested in learning new stuff and helping others do the same with my content.
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