    GamingFarthest Frontier Food Guide

    Farthest Frontier Food Guide

    Proper food supply and its constant production is a core duty to manage in Farthest Frontier. Every town has some level of difficulty to face and resources to manage. There are many resources like farming and trading in the gameplay to deal with. In this Farthest Frontier food guide, we will assist you with the exact details of food, its production, and storage.

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    Farthest Frontier: Food Guide

    Farthest Frontier has rich lands with crops and grains. And process them to complete food like bread. And here is a list of food productions you should know about.

    Nature’s Bounty


    This natural treasure will protect your whole town from starvation and gain a score in the game. A significant amount of labor and proper farming techniques will boost crop growth. There are many other places to grab food from. Like Foragers who collect berries, herbs, and berries for food and treatment. Hunters hunt animals for meat and flesh. And Fishermen catch fish for the villagers.

    Crop Fields

    Crop Fields
    Crop Fields

    If you have progressed the game till winter, then now is the time for future planning. As the winter ends, you have to plant the crops as an investment for the massive population. And plan better for the upcoming seasons and prevention from any plant diseases as well.



    If your people are lucky, a traveling trader might cross your village. And purchase cattles and cows so that you can cultivate new grains in your lands. But first, you have to take care of the cows in a barn and handle their needs. You can feed them vegetables and other crops.

    This livestock can help in many ways like you can get meat from them. Cows can provide milk for the kids. The cow dung can be used as biogas or compost for later uses.



    With a handful of berries, you cannot fill the bellies of the villagers. Or cure the diseases like scurvy. You need orchards to help your people. So, here is when you need an arborist.

    Constructing an Arborist will allow you to plant a variety of fruits and berries. Fruits like apples, peaches, and pears will take time to grow. A lot of effort and maintenance will also be required. But a large amount of fruit you will get in return will be satisfying your efforts.



    Grains as dried seeds are also an excellent source of food. They can be converted to flour by grinding them. This can be done with heavy tools in windmills. The flour storage needs care and proper check. To maintain the constant flow of flour, it’s important to be cautious about it.

    Once they’re ground finely, you can be sent them to the bakery for their final form. Bakers will bake its bread and sell it to the villagers. But unfortunately, it can’t be stored for a long time. And has to be consumed as it’s still fresh.

    Food Storage

    Food is nature’s gift that needs to be cherished. You have to preserve the food and prevent it from spoilage. As there are no modern technologies in the Farthest Frontier, you have to use the traditional methods of preservation.


    The traditional form of refrigeration is the root cellars. The underground rooms have a lower temperature at which the food preserves longer. Root cellars are best to prevent spoilage than from the storehouse. It sustains better and longer.



    The barrels can also be used for grain preservation. You can make it using planks from Cooper. Or purchase one from Trading Post. They can also be replaced when they have broken.

    You can have them in storehouses and roof cellars. Each barrel can reduce spoilage by 5%. A storehouse can store up to 5 barrels. Whereas, the roof cellars can store up to 10 barrels. Hence, they are best to win against spoilage.


    Each food has its own method to be preserved. And for meat and flesh, it’s different. Because they need to smoke. Smokehouses can smoke meat and fish. At the Preservist building, berries can also be stored in glass jars and bottles. For dairy products, the Cheesemaker will process milk into the cheese.



    Just like in the real world, rats are always the enemies of stored food. Rtas infestation might not be a concern at the beginning. A small of food will disappear. But it will be difficult to protect food storage once their population grows. They will be out in every living area and can spread a number of illnesses.

    Luckily, you have a proper profession for it. The Rat Catcher will trap the rats in their targeted area and protect the food storage.

    We can conclude that the Farthest Frontier food guide will help you with all details of the food. From the food production to its storage, we have provided the facts to you. Make sure to protect your food and maintain its constant flow to the villagers.

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    Sara Javed
    An avid gaming writer who's always curious to know more about the gaming industry and video games in general. I am interested in learning new stuff and helping others do the same with my content.
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