    GamingRole-PlayingEverything you need to know about Memory Slots in Elden Ring

    Everything you need to know about Memory Slots in Elden Ring

    If you have been playing the Elden Ring, you should know about the spells. And must be fully aware of its power. Here, I will guide you about Memory Slots in detail. In Elden Ring Memory Slots, you will learn it all.

    Elden Ring: Memory Slots

    Memory Slots are a type of cells that you need to learn. And then you can store it for later use. As a player, you have to learn them and utilize them whenever needed. To be a powerful spell caster, you need to know the memory slots and how to increase them.

    At the beginning of the Elden Ring, you are allowed to have only two memory slots at a time. But as you go deeper in-game, you wouldn’t be able to survive the battles for long. You can increase the memory slots by putting a little effort into them.

    There are two certain ways to increase the memory slots there. Those are:

    • Collecting the Memory Stones
    • Moon of Nokstella Talisman

    Let’s begin to know each option in detail.

    Memory Stones in Elden Ring

    Memory Stones in Elden Ring
    Memory Stones in Elden Ring

    There is a number of ways to get the memory stones. Here is the list of the method you can implement to get the Memory Stones.

    You have to kill the big boss enemies. And also bosses enemies in your way. You will confront them after you complete the Legacy dungeons, which are complete labyrinths packed with all types of creatures.

    You can purchase the stones as well. The Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold Hub area sell the Memory Stones. I would suggest going with this option if you’re new to spellcasting. And it would be best if you purchase the wares.

    You can get the memory stone for just 30,000 Runes. Which is quite affordable according to its importance. As mentioned above, the slots will increase. As you collect the stones, the number of memory slots will increase automatically.

    Remember that this is the only type of stone you can purchase in-game. And it’s very efficient as compared to unlocking other slots in the game.

    Memory Stones Locations (And how to get them)

    Here is the list of the all memory stones.

    • Enia the Finger Reader: When at the Roundtable Hold, you can buy this Memory Stone for 3000 runes.
    • Red Wolf of Radagon: Slay the boss that you encounter in the Raya Lucaria Academy to obtain this Memory Stone.
    • Demi-Human Maggie: A difficult boss that you will encounter in Hermit Village at the place called Mt. Gelmir. Slay this boss to obtain this Memory Stone.
    • Converted Tower: This Memory Stone can be obtained by climbing to the top of the tower to obtain this Memory Stone.
    • Testu’s Rise: Rise through the tower by dominating the challenge to obtain this Memory Stone.
    • Lenne’s Rise: This Memory Stone will be found in the Caelid inside the Dragonbarrow tower.
    • Seluvis’s Rise: To obtain this Memory Stone, you need to travel to the Three Sisters region which is located in Liurnia. When here you need to slay the two bosses: Caria Manor and Royal Knight Loretta.
    • Oridys’s Rise: This Memory Stone will be on top of the Tower. You need to go to the eastern side of the Morne Rampart’s Site of Grace. This site will be in the Weeping Peninsula and would involve you killing three ghost turtles to gain access to the tower

    Now, you have the first method to get the memory slots. Let’s head to the second method.

    Moon of Nokstella Talisman Location in Elden Ring

    Moon of Nokstella Talisman Location
    Moon of Nokstella Talisman Location

    The second method to get the memory slots is to get the talisman on your side. You have to be equipped with it to extend your memory slots by two. If you have all the memory stones and still want more. Then, you have to be equipped with it to have two more slots.

    Moon of Nokstella Talisman
    Moon of Nokstella Talisman

    The talisman is the Moon of Nokstella which is hidden in the eternal city, Nokstella. The surrounding is quite similar to the Siofra River or Nokron. You will find the talisman hidden inside the Throne Room, Northwest of Nokstella Basin Site of Grace.

    To reach Nokstella City, you have complete Ranni’s Questline fully or partially. This will open the Nokstella City gates. Successfully, you can have a total memory slot of 12. By default, 2 slots, with 8 memory stones and 2 slots with a talisman.

    Great job! Now, you can cast many spells and have powerful attacks. If you need more Elden Ring guides, then check the Elden Ring archives of Retrology.

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    Sara Javed
    Sara Javed
    An avid gaming writer who's always curious to know more about the gaming industry and video games in general. I am interested in learning new stuff and helping others do the same with my content.
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